Corporate culture forms the basis of our common values.
Our Human Resources Policy has been formed with the awareness that our most important capital is human resource, reflecting our Vision, Mission and Corporate values to all our processes.
SOLUTION FOCUSWe are solution-focused, we do not see problems as a source of conflict.
RELIABILITYWe undertake all kinds of obligations under the legal regulations.
INNOVATIONWe invest in our employees and technology, continuing to improve our quality.
CUSTOMER FOCUSWe always aim to provide satisfaction to our customers on expectations.
TRANSPARENCYWe consider fair and honest and impartial evaluation of every situation and alternative as an ethical obligation of our management process.
TEAMWORKWe believe in effective team work, we work in one body with mutual trust and respect.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYWe make utmost efforts to be beneficial to collecting, the natural environment and humanity.
PRIVACYWe take care to protect the confidentiality and privacy of our customers, employees and other interested parties.